Thursday 23 April 2020



On the weekend on saturday my mum friend Tania sent my mum a facebook post of
a person making a poppy out of newworld bags so this week me Leon Campbell
Frank and Willa Gibson wade 20 new world bag poppys and the next day
we got up at 8.30 and made anouther 20 then a person from the greystar came to
our house and took a photo of the poppys and put it in the newspaper on wendsay
and at our school greymain we all won the take the cake award on friday.


  1. Hi Rowan
    What a beautiful thing to do in remembrance of the ANZACS.
    Were the poppies easy to make or was the process quite tricky?


  2. Hi Rowan! I had a go and made two poppies just like you. Thanks for the encouragement. I also saw a photo of the poppies that you, Leon, Willa and Frank made. They looked AMAZING! Well done.

    I have been keeping an eye on your blog too and would love to see another post about what you've been doing to keep busy during the lockdown.

    The hardest thing is trying to decide what to write so maybe you could pick one activity that you enjoyed and share it on your blog for me. Then I can give it a go and tell you how we went in my bubble!

    It may be a physical activty eg at my house we created an inside obstacle course using the couch and cushions and dining table!

    I look forward to hearing from you!
    Miss Panther

  3. Hey Rowan, Rhys here from T1. I saw your Poppies when I was biking by your house, they look great! How did you learn to make these Poppies? Maybe next time you could add a photo of the Grey star newspaper, and check over your spelling. Me and my mum got up on Saturday at 6:00 and we could hear someone playing the last post. Stay safe!

    - Rhys


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