Day 3 BONUS activity
I think the poem I a beautiful poem butt is sad and it is happy is well and the title of the poem is a really good name In Flanders fields the poem is gust really good and ind i want to keep on reading In Flanders fields.
Thursday, 28 December 2017
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
Week 2 Activity 2
Week 2 Activity 2
I don't think it was fair because men got to make all the choices about what would happen to the country and women got to make very few. Very few had an ID card and to vote everyone had to have an ID card.
I don't think it was fair because men got to make all the choices about what would happen to the country and women got to make very few. Very few had an ID card and to vote everyone had to have an ID card.
Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Activity 1 week 2 cathedral
Activity 1 week 2

This cathedral was made in Christchurch,New Zealand. It was opened in August 2013 where the cathedral is now and is where the old St John's use to be. the history of this cathedral is that the people that made it had to pay $240.000 dollars to make the cathedral. the Purpose of the cardboard cathedral is the old one broke and so did st john's both in the earthquake so they built the cardboard cathedral but it is gust temporary util the new one is built.
Sunday, 17 December 2017
Day 1 BONUS activity!
I would not want to be in a waka ama race. I have had no training and if I did something wrong we would lose the race. I don't know if there is sharks in the water and the boat might tip, I would not like that to happen. I think it would be fun to do training for a waka ama race but not be in a race.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Day 1 Activity 2
Day 1 Activity 2
Dear Harry
I'm writing to tell you we are sailing to a new country. I'm really worried, I don't know who is there. I don't know if we even have enough food to survive a long trip to New Zealand. How much days it will take to get there?. I wonder what New Zealand is like? Will I be ok? All i know is this is a adventure. I hope they have pineapples and lots of animals! i hope i can have a pet dog🐶 and cat🐱. I will write another letter and tell you what it is like.
From Rowan.
Dear Harry
I'm writing to tell you we are sailing to a new country. I'm really worried, I don't know who is there. I don't know if we even have enough food to survive a long trip to New Zealand. How much days it will take to get there?. I wonder what New Zealand is like? Will I be ok? All i know is this is a adventure. I hope they have pineapples and lots of animals! i hope i can have a pet dog🐶 and cat🐱. I will write another letter and tell you what it is like.
From Rowan.
Day 1 Activity 1 3 facts i have learnt about Maui.
Day 1 Activity 1
3 facts i have learnt about Maui.
1. I found out Maui was a great fishermen.
2. He had many brothers and they did not like him to go fishing.
3. Maui fished up the North Island and his waka became the South Island of New Zealand.
3 facts i have learnt about Maui.
1. I found out Maui was a great fishermen.
2. He had many brothers and they did not like him to go fishing.
3. Maui fished up the North Island and his waka became the South Island of New Zealand.
Friday, 27 October 2017
Chapter chat
Chapter chat
This week for chapter chat we had to do lots of activity but two and made one first I made a helmet
for wonder and a lightener i was a wile in tile i finished it but i got it done have some photos
This week for chapter chat we had to do lots of activity but two and made one first I made a helmet
for wonder and a lightener i was a wile in tile i finished it but i got it done have some photos
Friday, 22 September 2017
League refection 2017 term 3 week 8
This week was the league tournament it was so fun first thing first when we got to Nelson we stayed a top ten holiday park.The next day I woke up at about 5.30 🕠 then we had breakfast then I put my gear on.Half an hour later then we went to the field it was a while to find the right field but we found it then we did some warm up's with Our coach then it was game time we won 3 games and lost 2 it was so fun. after the game I went to get clean myself and the back in to the van the we went to the mall their was no power but wen the power was on everyone ran to McDonald's then the food was going to be warm in half an hour.This is the best part all of the people in the van Bout Doritos and lollies drinks and sour paces and on the way back to Greymouth we played goat simulator then we were back in
Greymouth.Then my step dad Hugh gave me a ride to McDonald's in Greymouth I got a big mac and chips then I went back home and ate some of my McDonald's then I went to bead and here is a photo
that is it for my Nelson trip.
Greymouth.Then my step dad Hugh gave me a ride to McDonald's in Greymouth I got a big mac and chips then I went back home and ate some of my McDonald's then I went to bead and here is a photo

that is it for my Nelson trip.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Literacy Numeracy 2017 term 3 week 6 Refection's
This is my parts of speech
i have used google drawings for this activity
next time i will try not to ask for help
This is my explanation plan
I have used google drawings for this activity
I am proud of how hard i have worked on this next time
Friday, 4 August 2017
chapter-chat numeracy term 3 reflection 2017 week 2
This is my Rowan volume capacity the purpose of the activity is to measure compare and subtract volume and capacity the application I have used is google drawings I am most proud of my answer because I got the all right.
this me Alex and Ruben try and Run 100 m in 9.58 s the purpose of the activity is to Try and run 100 m in 9.58 seconds. What was your time? the application we have used is google docks i am proud of how good we did.
Friday, 30 June 2017
week 9 refection's literacy numeracy
This week I went up 4 of levels on read-theory
This activity i am sharing is my STATISTICAL INVESTIGATIONS i have used google slides for this activity next time i might try do more.
This activity i am sharing is my STATISTICAL INVESTIGATIONS i have used google slides for this activity next time i might try do more.
Friday, 23 June 2017
reflection Term 2 week 8 2017 numeracy
the activity i'm sharing is 2 x 2 digit addition the purpose of the activity is to complete the follow up in your book i have used google drawings for this activity next time i might do harder questions i am most proud of my answers.
Friday, 16 June 2017
numeracy reflection week 7 term 2
this is my adding whole numbers using place value the purpose of the activity complete the follow up activity I have used google drawings for this activity I am most proud of my workings.
Friday, 9 June 2017
chapter-chat Week 6 term 2 week 7 refection
The activity I am is a drawing of the spider Pretend you are Topher and draw his picture of the spider and its web Or draw a picture of the hospital I am most proud of how it looks next time I might draw it bigger.
Friday, 2 June 2017
chapter-chat week,5 term 2 reflection
the activity I am sharing is and Inland Taipan slide the purpose of the activity was to Research the Inland Taipan or Research Albert Einstein and find out what amazing things he discovered I have used google slides for this activity I am most proud of all the research me Alex and Finn and Noah and Ry next time we might make a bigger slide.
Friday, 26 May 2017
Friday, 5 May 2017
reflection term 2 week 1 literacy numeracy,
This is my ANZAC poem the purpose is to make an Anzac poem I have used google drawings to make this I am most proud of that i was able to fit it all in next time I will make it so you can read it better.
This is typing skills for week 1 term 2 the purpose of the activity is to get beater at typing the appalachian i have used is interactive sites foe education what i am most proud of is that i was able to finch the game next time i might try not to go back to the level again and again to finch it.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
End of term reflection term 1 week 11 reflection
End of term reflection
It is near the end of term 1 my goal in the holidays is to do 4 main stars I am going to enjoy the holidays because I'm going to my nana's here are some of my goals here is my math goal To do division all by my self for 5 weeks of term 2 here is my other goal To find new apps on my Chromebook for leaning my favourite part of school is this bit of writing I loved the baby dragon writing and I even got a picture of a dragon and it some things that I described here is a picture of the writing that I did.
Friday, 7 April 2017
reflection literacy 2017 term 1 week 10
This is my OREO reasons to have less more ore have morning tea the same
the purpose was to have a opinion a reason examples and a opinion i have used google docs for this activity
i am most proud of the punctuation that i have used next time i might make all of it into paragraphs. 😐
This is my OREO reasons to have less more ore have morning tea the same
the purpose was to have a opinion a reason examples and a opinion i have used google docs for this activity
i am most proud of the punctuation that i have used next time i might make all of it into paragraphs. 😐
2017 term 1 week 5 reflection literacy numeracy
This is my chapter chat for week 5 the purpose was to make chap-green lake 100 years ago i have use google drawings for this i am proud of it how I designed it next time I think in need to have lees detail.
this is my screencastify for my chapter chat I have used screencastify for this activity I am proud of this because i used screencastify next time i will make my own screencastify of doing it with martin
Friday, 31 March 2017
2017 literacy reflection Term 1 week 9
This is my creative activity for literacy the purpose was to Go to this website and look up this Maori words write the definition of each i have used google slides for this activity I am most proud of that I was able to do this in 1 day next time i might have to use more puncheon.
Sunday, 26 March 2017
This is my cooking for main star. The purpose was to cook something for someone i gave some to my uncle Allen and for my class for camp. I made was chocolate brownies, my my uncle Allen could not eat the but my class loved them. It was not a difficult recipe to make because you gust put the ingredients in the processor and your done. Then bake in the oven. Yum Yum !
Friday, 24 March 2017
Chapter chat reflection
this is my chapter chat Stanley Wanted poster the purpose was to make a wanted poster of Stanley of Zero I used google drawing's to make this activity I am most proud of how I made it next time i might use more puncheon
Friday, 10 March 2017
Numeracy, literacy, chapter-chat,week 7 refection's
This is my chapter chat Stanley and Zero hiding under a boat draw a picture of Stanley and Zero hiding away under a boat i have used google drawing's for this activity i am proud of how i have designed it next time i should draw them under the boat.
My spelling to do spelling I have used google drawings for this activity i am proud of how it looks next time ad more detail
This is my Face, Place, Total Value to 1000 the purpose is to finish all the Place, Total Value to 1000 I have used google drawings for this activity I am proud that I could get all the answer's right next time i wont wash the video.
Friday, 24 February 2017
chapter chat 2017 refection term 1 week 4
This is my chapter chat snake venom nail polish the purpose of the activity is our task is to designing some make up with and evil twist I used goggle drawing to make this I am proud about this because I think I have put a lot of effort into this i think next time i need to put some more description and detail.
Monday, 13 February 2017
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